We had the best Spring Break this year. We decided to splurge a little and take the family to San Diego. It was well worth it! We went to Sea World, Lego Land, and the Zoo! The kids had the time of their lives. They played hard every day. They literally (all three of them) had blood-shot eyes at the end of the day!! Misson accomplished!!
We met up with our friends, Chad and Katy and their little boy Isaac down there. We couldn't have aked for better company...they're the best! Thanks guys for a memorable time....so much fun!!

Brock making sure the cockpit is ready for take-off!

Getting ready to head to the beach after unloading everything!

Brock and his buddy Isaac.

The family at Oceanside Harbor

Ella loving the water!......
....Until she face-planted it a few times!

Mommy had to give her loves and keep her warm!

Emrey, Ella and John testing the water.

Gotta love the Shamu Show!

And Cotton Candy ALWAYS makes it better!

Brock was in heaven at Lego Land!

Emrey was a little impressed also!

Darth Vader was pretty awesome!

As was R2D2.

A panda on the loose at the Zoo!

Being silly at the "Kid's Zoo!"

Up close with an Orengatang(sp?)

Hanging out with our friend, Chad, while the ladies
are in one of the many gift shops!

Family photo right before we go drenched.....
Thanks for the warning Chad!!!

Ella gettin some loves from Daddy after a LONG day!
Next year.....DISNEYLAND BABY!!!!