I cannot leave the house for ten minutes without someone getting hurt. Unfortunately this time it was little Ella's turn. Last night I decided to be a helpful wife and while John was hometeaching I went out and scraped his truck off. Mind you it hasn't been driven since Friday and we have got about 6-8 inches of snow since then! I told Emrey what I was going to do and told her she was in charge of Ella. (won't do that again for a while!!!!) Anyway I come inside to hear Ella screaming. The first picure is what her eye looked like last night. The second one is what it looks like today. Never found out what really happened b/c the story keeps changing, but something to do with the treadmill. Poor little thing, I feel so bad for my little gal!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Winter Wonderland!
A couple of days ago our winter weather set in. At the first trace of snow, Brock was out the door, begging to make a snowman. Before he was done playing, he made the perfect snowball. He told me he had to save it in the freezer for a snack later that day?? Ok?? SO, later that night after we had got back from running some errands Iwalk in the house and Ella is on the ground eating Brock' s snowball. What a nice brother to share his snack!!!! She LOVED it!!!
(can you tell??)

(can you tell??)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ella Bella Dancerella!!
My sweet little one year old loves music and loves to shake her fanny! Emrey got this little dance mat for her birthday and I'm pretty sure Ella boogies on it more than Emrey!! I just had to share this clip b/c it is so dang cute of her shakin' it!!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Student of the Month
Just wanted you all to check out this website:
Brock was chosen this month as the featured student in his martial arts class so they put up a picture and wrote a short article on him and posted it on their website.
Way to go bud, you're doing so great! Keep up the good work!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Martial Arts Mania!!
My kids have made me a proud mommy this week!! Brock and Emrey both earned their Gold Belt in their Martial Arts Class. Brock has been in the class since February and Emrey since June. They have both worked so hard and love learning new techniques and moves. To earn their gold belt they had to demonstrate to their instrctor that they knew all the curriculum they have been learning, then there was the physical requirements. They had to do 3 good push-ups, 5 sit-ups, 5 squat thrusts and then run continuously for 3 minutes. Just a little side note...they have both been sick this week with really bad coughs and stuffy noses. They only test the kids once at the beginning of each month, so if they miss one month, they have to wait until the next month....oh no, not my crazy kids. There was no way they were going to wait until January! They were so ready, coughing or not!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Over the mountains and thru the woods.....
.....to grandma's house we went!! That is right, we traveled to the Tacoma area to visit John's mom and step-dad for Thanksgiving. We had nice visit and did lots of fun things. Most importantly (not really!!) mom was able do some Christmas shopping on Black Friday. Can't be a smokin hot deal....right ladies!!?? Later that day me and John took Emrey and Brock to see Madagascar 2...very cute! THEN that evening we went to the Point Defiace Zoo and saw the Zoo Lights. The kids loved the beautiful lights and better yet, the carousel. The kids helped grandma and grandpa on the farm, feeding the animals, collecting eggs and riding the four-wheeler. We definitely had a fun-filled weekend and LOTS to be THANKFUL for! THANKS grandma and grandpa for a fun visit!!
Happy Birthday Brock!
Brock turned 5 on November 24th! The previous weekend he got to go to Chuck E Cheeses with some of his friends where he earned lots and lots of tickets (thanks Daddy!!). Then on his actual birthday we had a little get together with a Spiderman cake he picked out and one of his favorite ice creams, Rainbow Sherbet!
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